Pay the Rent First is a program designed to permanently end homelessness for one family at a time. This program takes into consideration the financial and behavioral barriers that homeless families face as they try to find housing and helps to alleviate those barriers. The cost of the program, per family is up to $4,500.00 which includes up to $4,000.00 in direct rental assistance, a training program and monthly follow-up counseling and training. Eligible participating families must have saved up some funds towards their own rent and must have at least one member who is employed full-time
Pay the Rent First is a program designed by the Coalition to End Homelessness to
address current barriers to family housing (prior evictions, prior criminal record, need for first, last and security) as well as address barriers to staying housed including paying the rent on time every month and living peacefully in multi-family dwellings.
The program begins with a day long training program covering how to earn enough to
pay rent, how to keep your current job, how to maintain your place of residence, and how to make difficult financial decisions (luxuries versus necessities). After the program, there is a test which participants must pass in order to stay in the program.
Participants who pass the test will be eligible for up to $2,000.00 towards first, last,
security and if needed additional security. This requires participants to be working and to have at least some money saved up for housing. The Coalition will also work with landlords and encourage landlords to waive any additional security deposits for program participants.
Participants will find their own rental of a size and location appropriate for their family. For
example, participants should find a rental near work and school/childcare (discussed in the training) and a rental of appropriate size for their family.
Participants will then meet monthly with a Coalition peer-counselor (someone who has
been homeless and is now housed) to make sure rent is being paid on time. Conversations will also be held with landlords. If all rent has been paid on time, additional funds will be made available on a quarterly basis of up to 500.00 payable to the landlord. This encourages participants to report for monthly visits and to stay in the program.