The federal government defines "homelessness"; as a condition in which an individual or
family lacks a fixed, regular, nighttime residence; resides in a public or private residence
that is not designed or intended to be a regular sleeping accommodation for human
beings; lives in a supervised shelter designated to this population.
Is the definition of homeless the same across federal agencies?
homelessness is carried out and/or funded primarily through three different agencies:
the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of Education
(ED), and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). There is currently
no single federal definition of homelessness.
Sometimes, the lack of single definition for homelessness creates problems in
providing services and accessing individuals. The broadest definition is the one used by
the Department of Education but there are many organizations who would not recognize
that definition.
There are many other definitions of homelessness; too many to list here. The point is
that how we define homelessness, defines how we treat them. If we define homeless
people as those with a substance abuse problems, then we treat them for those
problems when the biggest issue for many is purely economic.